Nov 1, 2009

The Toy Soldier Costume.

Canon 28mm

After many weeks of work, it's finally done.
 I saw this costume idea on the web a couple years back and wanted to try it out. I got some paint colour-matched to a rain-suit and painted all the gear to look the same.

More  pics after the break.

I built the machine gun out of wood and a piece of scrap metal for the barrel.
 The platform is just a wooden plank that's been jigged and sanded.


Julio Del Hierro said...

DUDE!!! It's Julio from the old CORE days. That is a SICK costume. Great idea. I may have to try that some year. I hope all is well out West. Cheers.

Chicken Sashimi said...

Hey Julio!

Nice to hear from you!

Vancouver is great as always. This costume was loads of fun to put together, you should try it!

Thanks for stopping by.

Obiwanhavanese said...

Very nice work. I might try that next year. What kind of make up did you use to match the green of your costume?

Chicken Sashimi said...

I got lucky in that between two choices of green they had at the costume shop, one of them ended up being very similar to my costume colour. I would seriously recommend that one invests in "Theater quality" makeup. It's a lot easier to apply and is far more comfortable to wear than the cheap stuff.

Anonymous said...

May I ask, what kind of paint did you use?


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