Sep 7, 2010


Today is a little different...
Amy was gracious enough to let me practice shooting video using her new DSLR, the Canon Rebel T2i.
Finally, I can take the investment I've made in camera lenses and apply it properly to the video medium. Most of these shots were carefully choreographed, tripod mounted and manual focused.
Shooting video with a DSLR is certainly a challenge, but the end results can be stupendous. While the 24-70 gave me some flexibility, I'm excited to start shooting with my long and ultra-wide lenses for added effect.

Here's a second, more relaxed take on the same footage. Which do you like better?

Some details:
Captured with the Canon Rebel T2i, Canon 24-70f2.8L 720p @ 60fps.
Final output: 720p @ 24fps.

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Photos copyright ©04-2009 Patrick English

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