Oct 26, 2010

Italy - Tuscany

Ahhhhh Tuscany! A beautiful land of a rolling patchwork terrain, dappled with trees and twisting roads. The most memorable aspect of this region is not even pictured within this album. The food in Tuscany is incredible! Basic pastas with locally grown ingredients and hand-made dough delight the taste buds and fill us with a deep sense of comfort. After coffee, a stroll through villages and landscapes like these provide a feast for the eyes and a workout for my camera.

Lamborghini has been making tractors a lot longer than they've been making sports cars. I was more excited about seeing this, than the Gallardo we saw in Florence!


Anonymous said...

great share, great article, very usefull for me...thank you

Chicken Sashimi said...

Awesome! I'm glad you found the post useful. Thanks for leaving a comment!


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